Helping T1D Moms get control of and gain confidence in raising a child with Type 1 Diabetes.

Scroll the links below for some of the recent topics we’ve mentioned on Instagram.

food swaps checklist

Type 1 Food Swaps Checklist Freebie

Staring at your pantry and fridge wondering how you will manage this new journey?

Grab your copy of this free checklist filled with blood sugar friendly staples to swap that will make the Type 1 transition easier.

© COPYRIGHT  Shannon Leigh, LLC | Mom Of a Type 1®  2020-2023.  All Rights Reserved. Terms and Conditions

Disclaimer:  The purpose of Mom of a Type 1 is solely for entertainment and educational purposes only.  The information included on the site is not to be construed as medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment; these are my own personal experiences of managing my son’s Diabetes. Always seek the advice of your Physician or other qualified healthcare provider before altering your child’s diet, starting, stopping, or making changes to any new or existing treatment plans, or using anything on this site to personalize for your own use. Please read our full Disclaimer