Yes…You read that correctly! THEE best tasting low-carb pancakes. Super added BONUS= they won’t skyrocket blood sugar.
I definitely stand behind these pancakes.
…and they are cake batter flavored at that. I mean…. YUM!
When my son was first diagnosed, breakfast was the hardest for us. Sure, he loves eggs and sausage and such – but he also loves all things pancakes, waffles, French Toast, and…cereal.
None of which, as you know, love a diabetic! ::insert palm to forehead emoji::
My ‘lil dude is pretty particular about his pancakes (and waffles too), so not just ANY will do. They have got to be juuuusstt right. So, I (literally) spent a year on a pancake quest…to find the PERFECT, “real tasting”, low carb pancake.
I have tested EVERY Pinterest, low carb cookbook, almond flour, banana, keto, and blog pancake out there. Most were either too flat, too eggy, too gritty, too diet-y…or tasted just…off.
One morning I remember testing SIX different recipes and none of them got a thumbs up from my T1.
But, Alas! The Best Tasting Low Carb Pancake.
A combination of several recipes and ratios and some serious trial and error. Best of all…a double thumbs up from the one that matters most!!
So here’s the deal. The base of these pancakes is almond flour with a touch of Cake Batter Extract, that TOTALLY intensifies the flavor and tastes like a REAL CARB FILLED PANCAKE!

Low Carb Cake Batter Pancakes
- Dash Mini Griddle
- 1 cup Almond Flour
- 1 Tbsp. Date Sugar
- 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1/8 tsp Xanthun Gum
- 1 Tbsp. Coconut Flour
- 4 Eggs
- 1/4 cup Almond Milk
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
- 1 tsp. Cake Batter Extract
- 2 Tbsp. Butter melted
- Combine all dry ingredients in a bowl and whisk to combine.
- Combine all wet ingredients (except the butter) in a large Pyrex measuring cup, or small bowl and whisk to combine.
- Combine wet ingredients into the dry, and whisk thoroughly. *The batter will be a little orange in color from the cake batter extract...don’t worry!
- Once combined, whisk in melted butter and let rest for a few minutes. Then DO NOT stir it again!
- Plug in Dash Mini Maker Griddle. When the light goes off, it’s ready to use.
- Use a 1/4 measuring cup to scoop the batter and dump it onto the center of the griddle; shaking out the measuring cup to get the most from the scoop. Use the back of the measuring cup, to spread the batter closer to the edges if you need to. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but the batter may not spread out as well as a traditional pancake batter, so help it make a full circle buy spreading it to the edge.
- Close the lid. The light will come on. When the light goes off, approximately a minute later, the pancake is done! The top will not be fully browned to the edges, much like the flipped side of a regular pancake. But, flip it over and the bottom side is perfectly browned.
My favorite gadget and a definite MUST HAVE for this is, the Dash Mini Maker Griddle by @unprocessyourfood The recipe makes 8 perfect pancakes….always, every.single.time. Each one takes, literally a minute! No flipping. No overheated pan that leads to burnt pancakes and uncooked centers=the worst! I love the Dash Mini Maker Griddle so much, I have two of them, which come in especially handy when I’m making double batches to freeze for super easy, low-carb weekday breakfasts! Each pancake comes out THICK and FLUFFY…and PERFECT!
Dash has some pretty amazing and inexpensive cooking gadgets. Use the Dash link and get $10 off your purchase!